Decentralized Identifiers and Verifiable Credentials are starting to make their way into the world of IoT. There are many ongoing research projects funded by EU and private sector organizations as well as an increasing number of DLT based IoT projects that are including DIDs and VCs as a core component of their solutions.
For the 22nd Vienna Digital Identity Meetup* we hosted three of the lead researchers from the EU H2020 funded The SOFIE Project. The SOFIE Project wrapped up at the end of last year a key part of this research focused on the the use of SSI concepts in three IoT sectors (energy, supply chain, and mixed reality gaming) targeting integrating SSI in without requiring changes to the existing IoT systems.
Our three presenters were from two different European research universities, Aalto University (Dr. Dmitrij Lagutin and Dr. Yki Kortesniemi) and Athens University of Economics and Business (Dr. Nikos Fotiou)
The presentation covered four areas of interest in SSI the IoT sector:
DIDs and VCs on constrained devices
Access control using the W3C Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description
did:self method
Ephemeral DIDs and Ring signatures
Each of these research areas are integrated into real world use cases and connected to the sectors that were part of the SOFIR project’s mandate.
(Note: There were some ‘technical issues’ at the start of the event and the introduction part of the presentation has been truncated, but the good new is all of our presenters content is there.)
To listen to a recording of the event please check out the link:
Time markers:
0:00:00 - SOFIE Project Introduction, (Dr. Dmitrij Lagutin)
0:02:33 - DIDs and VCs on constrained devices
0:14:00 - Access Control for WoT using VCs (Dr. Nikos Fotiou)
0:33:23 - did:self method
0:46:00 - Ephemeral DIDs and Ring Signatures (Dr. Yki Kortesniemi)
1:07:29 - Wrap-up & Upcoming Events
The SOFIE Project Slide deck: download
And as a reminder, we continue to have online only events.
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*The Vienna Digital Identity Meetup is hosted by The Dingle Group and is focused on educating business, societal, legal and technologists on the new opportunities that arise with a high assurance digital identity created by the reduction risk and strengthened provenance. We meet on the 4th Monday of every month, in person (when permitted) in Vienna and online on Zoom. Connecting and educating across borders and oceans.